Monday, March 7, 2011

Are You Being Bullied? TELL SOMEONE!

Many children get bullied or bully others on the daily. No matter which end of the situation they are on, this can be stopped, and they should know they are not alone in this situation, there's plenty more like them. 

The first step to stop bullying is to tell an adult. Whether the adult is a parent, teacher, or any other person who is much older than them who can help them. JUST TELL SOMEONE. They should want to help stop this trend and if they don't, do NOT give up.. tell someone else. And if that child is afraid to go to an adult about the situation, they should have someone go with them or tell the adult for them, such as a friend, cousin, or anyone they trust. They should give that adult the details of the bullying, when it happened, where it happened, and who was around while it was happening. 

Another step is to stay in a group. Its hard for a bullier to bully you when you have a lot of people around you, versus being alone with no witnesses.

Stand up to the bully. If you feel as if you've had enough and you can safely stand your ground, do it. Sometimes this will show the bully that they are not the toughest kid on the playground and they will soon enough leave you and others alone.

Since "Cyber-Bullying" has also become a new trend, the best way to avoid that type of confrontation is to not reply. They could call you scary or other things, but those are just words.

These tips should help your child in some way to resist bullying no matter where they are or the situation.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

But why? Thats the biggest question...

There are many reasons why bullies chose to bully:

  • they see other people doing it
  • to get into the "in" crowd
  • it boost their self esteem
  • because it keeps others from bullying them
  • they come from backgrounds who permit it
Whether the actions are occasionally or all the time, these are primarily the reasons for them to act out in such a way. No matter the reason, this action has to be stopped in our schools. I'm sure the next question is: What are the schools are doing about this horrible action others are bestowing on others? This is where my research comes in.

I've been looking into multiple websites about bullying and the actions people are taking against this act. If your child is being bullied, tell them there's no need to be afraid to tell higher officials. Thats what they are there for. After the teachers or principles have been told, they are REQUIRED to take some form of action, whether warnings, in-school or out-of-school suspension, or anything to that nature. 


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Definition of Bullying

Bullying is defined as when someone hurts or scares another person on purpose and the person being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself. Bullying takes place practically any where, from school yards to work places. Bullies hurt people in many ways:

  • Emotionally: spread rumors about others and teasing people in a mean way
  • Physically: kicking, punching, hitting, and any other physical contact toward others
  • Socially: keeping certain people out the "group" and getting certain people to gang up on other
Bullying don't always occur in person, there is in fact a such thing as "Cyber-bullying". This is when a person sends mean text messages to someone else, posts nasty pictures and/or messages about others in blogs or other Web sites, or even using someone else username or profile to spread rumors and lies.

This problem is mainly in schools, and we have to put a stop to it now!

Check this out..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Meet Binky Brain

As children, we grew up watching the famous cartoon Arthur, which appeared on PBS. There were many characters that we related ourselves to such as Arthur, D-W, Buster, and Binky. We all know that Arthur was the main character who had a little sister name D-W and his best friend Buster. Then you had Binky, who was known as the Bully of the school where Arthur and his friends attended. Binky chose to bully everyone whom allowed him to for lunch money, to be first in line, or anything else they allowed him to. Binky is used as a prime example of whats going on in our schools today, BULLYING. No one likes a bully, no one likes to be bullied, and most of all no one likes a bully.