Many children get bullied or bully others on the daily. No matter which end of the situation they are on, this can be stopped, and they should know they are not alone in this situation, there's plenty more like them.
The first step to stop bullying is to tell an adult. Whether the adult is a parent, teacher, or any other person who is much older than them who can help them. JUST TELL SOMEONE. They should want to help stop this trend and if they don't, do NOT give up.. tell someone else. And if that child is afraid to go to an adult about the situation, they should have someone go with them or tell the adult for them, such as a friend, cousin, or anyone they trust. They should give that adult the details of the bullying, when it happened, where it happened, and who was around while it was happening.
Another step is to stay in a group. Its hard for a bullier to bully you when you have a lot of people around you, versus being alone with no witnesses.
Stand up to the bully. If you feel as if you've had enough and you can safely stand your ground, do it. Sometimes this will show the bully that they are not the toughest kid on the playground and they will soon enough leave you and others alone.
Since "Cyber-Bullying" has also become a new trend, the best way to avoid that type of confrontation is to not reply. They could call you scary or other things, but those are just words.
These tips should help your child in some way to resist bullying no matter where they are or the situation.